Our Classes

Join some of Winnipeg’s most celebrated instructors as they ease you through a practice that is so much more than just a series of postures. At Open Concept, we believe that yoga is a way of life, not just a way of moving.  Our non-stuffy, non-judgemental studio welcomes both seasoned practitioners and those who are just starting out.  


A student in a cross legged seated yoga position.

Through an exploration of different meditation and breathwork techniques, this practice will guide you in developing your presence through awareness of breath, body, and mind. 

A space to both begin or continue to support your meditation and breathwork practice.

Open to everyone.


a student resting in savasana or corpse yoga pose. The focus us on the hand.

This deeply relaxing and restoring practice uses the support of props (bolsters, blankets, blocks, etc.) to support the body through long holds, in passive postures. 

Open to everyone.


A student's hands and feet on a yoga mat. They are in a forward bend pose.

This grounded practice focuses on long, active holds that create space to open deeper tissues in the body and challenge the body’s patterning. The main focus is brought to the hips, back, and shoulders through longer, slower holds in postures to allow the body to open in process. 

Open to everyone.


A student in a posture with a block on their sacrum. Their arms are extended off the mat while the meditate and breath mindully.

This practice uses the support of a Block Buddy made of Manitoba Elm to melt through scar tissue and compressed frozen fascia that is ultimately blocking blood and oxygen flow to your cells and keeping you in a state of dis-harmony, dis-ease, and imbalance. Through guided positions with the Block Buddy, you will learn to: 1) engage your most effective breath; 2) activate your parasympathetic nervous system; 3) melt through what is blocking your optimal health and; 4) improve your posture and alignment.

Open to everyone.*

*not an appropriate practice for those who are pregnant, have advanced osteoporosis, spinal metal rods or surgical mesh.


sari, one of the teachers, doing a cat pose in slow flow class. This is a gentle flow yoga class which encourages gentle stretching and movement.

This gentle flow style practice will encourage you to coordinate movement with the breath to flow from one pose to the next. Focusing on slow rhythmic movements and long gentle stretching, this practice promotes openings throughout the entire body. 

Open to everyone.


A student's back in a side plank yoga posture.

This practice begins with a more active and dynamic flow practice to energize and strengthen the body. Then transitioning into a slower, grounded Yin style to gradually wind down the class and leave you feeling the benefits of a balanced practice.

Previous Slow Flow experience recommended.


A student in a squat yoga pose.

Focused on traditional and non-traditional yoga postures, vinyasa, and mobility, this practice uses breathwork, repetition, flow sequences, and fluid movement to access strength and power from a place of awareness and authenticity. Inspired by many different styles of yoga - power, kundalini, hatha, meditation, and mindfulness, this physical practice brings attention to the body and fatigue in order to connect into our everyday processes and habits. 

Open to everyone.


kelly cowan, one of our teachers, in upward dog pose on a yoga mat.

This intermediate flow style practice will encourage you to coordinate movement with the breath to flow from one pose to the next. Expect to be challenged in this practice, but also offered choices and the space to modify the class to your level.

Previous Slow Flow experience recommended.


kelly cowan, one of our teachers, has her eyes closed and is in a posture with her arm above her head. She is peaceful, mindful and focused on breathwork.

This intermediate flow style practice will invite you out of your head and into your body. With a focus on fluid and free movement and a deep established connection to the breath, this practice will drop you into a flow state as you move in sync with  your breath, your body, and the beat of a uniquely curated playlist.

Because this class builds on your Vinyasa practice foundation, previous Vinyasa Flow experience is recommended.


Sari in a side plank pose. The photo shows her back as she looks up to the ceiling in the yoga posture.

This active practice is based on a movement system that combines the benefits of yoga with the biomechanics of sport, created specifically for athletes. JOGA enhances athletic performance, improves concentration, and decreases recovery time. Through a foundation of basic movements, this practice can help provide exceptional joint stability and mobility to ultimately reduce injury risk for athletes. 

Open to everyone.


A student creating a triangular shape and pose with her body. This is an intermediate or advanced yoga pose and class.

This intermediate/advanced flow style practice will encourage you to coordinate movement with the breath to flow from one pose to the next, as we build toward peak poses that may include arm balances and inversions. This practice allows you the opportunity to continuously build on your Vinyasa practice foundation.

Previous Vinyasa Flow experience recommended.


a student on her mat in upward dog pose. hand pressing into the mat with the focus on the hand.

This vigorous practice consists of a set series of postures that flow from one movement to the next. Emphasis is placed on connecting breath and movement in order to build strength and focus. Due to the practice’s consistent nature, it offers a reference point from which to observe our fluctuations, and thus an opportunity to hold space for our evolution. 

Previous Vinyasa Flow experience recommended.


A student in a back bend posture or full-wheel pose. This is an advanced yoga posture.

This advanced flow style practice coordinates movement with the breath to flow from one pose to the next. Expect to be challenged as the class explores deeper complexities of the practice and advanced variations of postures. This practice allows you the opportunity to continuously build on your Vinyasa practice foundation.

Previous Vinyasa Flow experience required.


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