Our Community

The yoga community at Open Concept is proud to offer classes for everybody and every body, with the goal of bringing confidence to your practice, ease to your movements, and calm to your mind. Offering a variety of different class styles for all levels of experience, our yoga community welcomes those in practice for decades, as well those who are just beginning their journey. 

a yoga student in a posture reacher her arm out and doing a back bend.

Our commitment to accessibility is reflected in our scheduling and our rates, with classes running 7-days a week, starting early in the morning and going well into the evening to ensure that making time for yoga does not just become another added stress in your day.

We offer community-wide classes, private one-to-one classes, and private group classes upon request, as well as integrative workshops, educational and networking events, as well as instruction in the workplace. 

hands linking together creating community in yoga and wellness

We are also thrilled to be launching the Open Concept Energy Exchange Program (OC-EEP) for those who wish to help us grow our studio while simultaneously deepening their practice.