Kelly Jones


Kelly is a certified Block Therapy instructor, trained directly with Block Therapy founder and athletic therapist, Deanna Hanson. Her unique style of teaching, incorporates over 25 years of work in the mediation and peace and conflict field, two decades of experience with natural and energetic medicine, and is influenced by her time in contemplative practice with the sisters at St Benedict’s monastery. 

As an avid yogi, former aerobics instructor, trained reflexologist, and certified communication coach, Kelly’s teachings will offer a multidimensional experience to help you discover blockages and restrictions in your body and release what is no longer serving you. 

Her light filled approach and gentle nature will have you leaving feeling refreshed and renewed. In her own words, whether in the mediation room or the yoga studio, “I help people to enter into and alchemise or transform pain and conflict.” 

Kelly is currently completing a masters thesis in Peace and Conflict studies with an emphasis on the significance of mindfulness practices and the journey inward as the ultimate path to peace.